'Spotguard Temp' - iespēja pastāvīgi monitorēt temperatūru
fleet management
Ir vairāki biznesa virzieni, kur pastāvīga temperatūras kontrole ir ļoti svarīga. Piemēram, medicīnas preču transports un pārtika. Neskatoties uz to, ka šīs preces tiek pārvadātas īpaši aprīkotos transportlīdzekļos, pat nelielas temperatūras svārstības var izraisīt to bojāšanos un var nozīmēt zaudējumus biznesam.
Proper road maintenance increases security
fleet management
Fleet management from GSGroup ensures a more efficient road maintenance – no matter the season.
GSGroup launch new temperature surveillance system with multiple features
fleet management
The portable system is lighter, easier to use and comes with a battery capacity that exceeds one year
GSGroup launches new fleet app
fleet management
The application is meant as a tool for people on the go
Avinor looks forward to the cooperation with GSGroup
fleet management
Avinor selects GSGroup to supply electronic travel log and fleet management solutions.
Statens vegvesen writes a 4-year contract with GSGroup
fleet management
Statens Vegvesen (SVV), The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, selects GSGroup to supply electronic travel log and fleet management solutions.
Bodø municipal choose GSGroup as their digital companion
fleet management
GSGroup won the tender and will be delivering fleet management solutions to Bodø municipal.